In addition the area above the well pit it has water seeping up and I have a small 3ftx3ftx3inch pool above it. After troubleshooting I have discovered that the water in my small pressure tank is feeding back down into the well, I isolated the outside hose connections and it’s still bleeding off. This is to charge back up my small pressure tank that is used for the outside hose connections. The pump is running for 10 seconds and then shuts off for 2 minutes with no load on the system. There are two PVC lines that run from the pump to the well. I have a shallow well with a jet pump in my garage. My problems are between the well and the pump. We have had a number of bad storms here in Central Texas and perhaps we have had some lightning damage, but not sure. Can anyone provide any insights as to what could be the problem? I am OK with replacing the controller and I know I can get one a lot cheaper from other dealers (it is an analog controller-no fancy electronics), but If there is a bad relay or other part that is allowing the alarm circuit to close due to it being damaged, I would really rather just replace the bad part. It only got worse when I realized that 2 of the aerators failed due to poor maintenance/no maintenance which should have been provided by the 'authorized' service people under their 'service contract'. I got tired of paying an arm and leg for the mandated 'service contract' for someone to come and inspect my system, put some chlorine tablets in and do nothing else. I took a class a few years ago to be able to service and maintain my system in our county. The system was installed new when we built our house in 2002 and other than replacing effluent pump motor once and the aerator motor 3 times it has been an OK system.
#Pressure tank drawdown chart upgrade
Since Norweco disagrees with the concept of anyone but their 'authorized' service people doing service and repairs to the system, I have not gotten any help from them or their 'authorized' service people (who offered to replace and upgrade my controller for about $600). I essentially have a normally operating system but the amber light is still lit and I have audible alarm. The aerator is operating normally and the amperage draw is within limits, the motor is not running hot and air flow is good through the aerator. All of the floats are operating correctly and giving the proper alarms. I have confirmed operation of both the aerator and the effluent pump to the sprinklers. I have a Norweco Singulair aerobic septic system and I have an alarm going off.

I suggest you check the precharge and clean the nipple to the pressure switch and see if that by itself helps enough. Adding that tank should give you a runtime close to a minute and should cut way down on cycles. you would precharge it to the same 28 PSI that the existing tank should have for a 30-50 switch. Adding a second tank in the basement would be a good approach. While a short run time by itself isn't necessarily a pump killer, a tank that is too small will also lead to frequent pump cycles, which does shorten pump life. You will have to kill the power to disconnect the switch so you can remove it to clean the nipple. Easy to do this while you have system drained to check pre-charge. If the pressure in the shower seems like it drops to lower than the 30 psi you would expect, you should clean the nipple between the tank Tee and the pressure switch it is likely clogged. Tank has to be empty and drain valve open to get good reading. As Vermont suggested, first step would be to drain the tank and measure the precharge to make sure you are getting the best performance from the tank you have.